I felt a bit dizzy after the sunday's workout (the swim, see previous post), and that continued to monday and tuesday. Finally on Wednesday I had to stay home from work as I had some fever and was reeeeaaallllyyyyy tired. And that continued through Thursday and Friday.
Well. In hindsight, I guess all this could a bit be expected. On Monday my wife called me, as she had been to the doctor and they had found out she had mycoplasma. We don't know how long she's had it, but it is supposed to be the kind of germ that doesn't go off easily. She had been feeling a bit tired for a while (she also trains, she's going to participate a 70.3 in June so she needs to :D) and couldn't kind of shake it off after two weeks, so we decided it was time to see a fycisist. A funny thing is that, when she was leaving the office for the doc-appointment, her co-worker said her:"you know, all these athletes are always having this wierd mycoplasma thingie that keeps them a bit tired etc. Maybe you have that?" And my wife was thinking that "yeah, right I don't think so", and guess what (well, you don't need to anymore as I said it already), that's what she had. And a sinus infection, which is apparently quite common partner there.
As said, I got the info of my better half having the myco, and she also got the anibiotics etc. for that, and decided I'd need to see a doctor also (myco is highly contagious, so the odds were that I had it too). So I got a time for Thursday to go to the lab and see if I have it too. But I was not at the office on Thursday so I had to reschedule (the office is 56 kms away and the doc is there too so...). So I still don't know if this my whatever is actually myco or not. I'll see that on Monday I hope.
Anyway, training after last Sunday has not happened. And as always, now as I'm getting a bit better I'm starting to get bad conscious about it. Some little guy wearing lycra and tank-top in my head is telling me that if I'm able to walk, I should do some training. Or a long ride. Or a marathon. Or... So as I'm still a bit weak, I too often budge for this little guy and start training too early. And the flu or whatever sticks for even more time. But this time, yesterday, I think I tricked the lycra-leprechaun. First I started to recollect that in some discussions with my wife we had talked about housekeeping being a low-intensity workout (especially vacuuming). And then I started to think that now as I'm recovering from this sickness, I need a low-int workout. So instead of doing a full training ride indoors, I vacuumed the house (45 minutes). And trust me, in this fitness it was well enough.
Now, as I write, the wifee is actually having a morning ride (it's Saturday 7:15 am here) on the trainer and watching the Graham Norton Show, so she's getting better. I'm still a bit lethargic, but I think that today's cookie-baking, christmas-shopping and christmas-pie making with the whole family will recover me fully so I could actually do something tomorrow trainingwise. But let's see...
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