As a long-distance consecuence from a polar fitness-test I did with my RCX-5 training computer, this week I ended up in cycling on thursday, running on friday, cycling on saturday and running & swimmin today (sunday). And still, I feel quite fine now :o
It all started on the fitness-test on October 5th (the basic test the polar does, you just lie 5 minutes on your back and the watch does something and provides you with a result afterwards). I felt quite ok, had rested a couple of days, and thought "hey, now is a good time to do the test, it's been a while since I've done it earlier...". I do it every once in a while, as it provides some feedback on the development of my fitness level other than "Hmm, feels like this run was a bit easier than previously".
Ok. So I did the test. Earlier result was 56 (it's sort of an estimate of the VoMax of the person under the test), which was ok. I hoped for 57 or even 58, but was not sure as I didn't have a clue on how the training had actually effected. Well. The result was 68. SIXTY EIGHT! I've never had that even then when I was training for the half IM, and then I was Really in shape!
So, I thought, some things have been working if this is real, so I should be happy. And I was. Until I realised it had consecuences to the training-load measurement that monitors the cumulative load of the sessions you download to your account in Polar personal trainer -pages. Ha ha. Suddenly the sessions I did had a much smaller effect and created much less load than they had earlier. One-hour trainer ride meant earlier that the "load cauge" in my personal pages recommended me having a day off or at least train on much lower level of intensity to not to overload my body. Not any more. The every-other-day trainings I had done earlier started to look like piece-of cake stuff that doesn't get me anywhere. Just small peaks in the load that I'd recover pretty quickly from.
And this started to bother me. Maybe also because, to be honest, that's what I had felt too. The every-other-day training was nice and good, but maybe unconciously I had already come to the same conclusion. But it was irritating to need the machine to tell you so before you realise it really. Grrr.
So come the last thursday, when I felt REALLY lethargic. In the evening my wife came back home from her evening run and asked if I was going to do the trainer ride I had talked about. I really didn't want to, but looked like I had to as I had talked about it already earlier like it was something important... So I did the thursday's one-hour trainer ride. And I checked out it into the Polar pages, checked the training-load page, and it said "it is ok to do another session tomorrow". And something clicked in my head. I thought: "F*ck, let's see if I can get it to rise so that it recommends a rest day at some point". And decided to have a run on friday. And had, here's the summary. The ride was quite mellow, but this was not so much. I ran with the "natural rhytm", did not pay so much attention on the HR or other indicators (other than how it felt in the body). Still, the load-indicator was happy to say "it is ok to train next day". AAAARGH.
After my wife got back from her morning long-run (and I had vacuumed the house) I went for a bike-ride. A 100-minute ride with an average of 32 km/h was maaaaybe a bit hard. But I did it anyway. Now, the cumulative load indicator said:" you can train tomorrow, but high intensity is not recommended". !!I was getting somewhere!! Today, after the swim-session I held for the adult-class, I went for the final run with one of the swimmers. Finally, after the download, the load-indicator recommended a really low-intensity training (which I see as a recovery-session) or a day off. I had won!!!!
Ha ha. Won what? Or who? My body? The load-gauge?
Yes. No. So it actually took this blog for me to realise that this might have been a bit of an idiotic endeavour. On the other hand, now I know that my body can take more load than earlier without serious results, so I know I need to tweak my training a bit now. Maybe I also will :o
Tomorrow or on tuesday the latest the results from the NXTri lottery are announced, let's see how that goes and how it affects my training plans for the near-future and a bit further. But I'll get back to that when I get the result...
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